Entries by Frank Kremer

But when we left they were full of joy and life!

Our friend ‘Lydia’ did her School of Frontier Missions at Seamill a number of years ago and has been working in India since. There, she has adopted 26 children. In 2012 most of these children were victims of sexual and verbal abuse and as we heard about this, God put it on our heart to […]

Trading in Tarot cards for the Bible!

A lady who had been ‘searching for more’ in all sorts of places (psychics, spiritualists, tarot cards…) found herself opening up her heart to one of the healing teams. As they shared and prayed with her, she experienced the presence of the Lord in a very powerful way and decided that she had found what […]

God’s supernatural power in West Kilbride

I was walking with a friend through the glen to get to the Post Office. We were talking about what it would be like to see more of God’s supernatural power here in West Kilbride. As we were walking, we started to see angels amongst the trees. As we opened the door to the Post […]

He doesn’t limp since then!

I was out doing some treasure hunting in a pub in Saltcoats where I saw an older man with a limp. We asked the Lord ‘why is he limping?’ and I immediately got the answer ‘he has gout’, which I didn’t know anything about. So I walked up to him and started talking and then […]